
an entry to make tom happy

I just stumbled upon this article. Really? Sure, she has some science to back up her scare tactics, but the media suggesting to smart, ambitious ladies that they would just be better off jumping on the mommy track is nothing new.
Thank you, Penelope, for giving us this month's alarmist warning to women. Judging from your
blog I should learn from the "mistakes" of you and all your friends or I will end up barren and shit out luck in the baby department. I will get on the preggos thing post haste. Any volunteers for the role of baby-daddy?

In other news, Hillary gave the media the middle finger and is making the primary race last until at least April 22nd. Woohoo. Personally, I am much happier to be a member of a party that can't decide between two qualified, articulate and history-making candidates than a party that is looking is struggling to just "fall in line" behind an aging ragaholic. That being said, I do fear the primary getting u-g-l-y in an super way.

Today in summary--
Yay: spring came for a hot minute; i discovered how much i love V8; the new Vanity Fair was waiting for me at home; Project Runway finale in half an hour!
Boo: rainy morning commute

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