
"blogs are like puppies"

My dear friend CR said this about a month ago, when I failed to write more than just my first entry. If this blog were in fact a puppy, it would have ripped up my favorite pillow and pooped all over the carpet before then starved to death. Dear readers, I apologize for the neglect. There really isn't a good excuse, mostly work has been busy and I am semi-addicted to playing scrabble on facebook. I have a million little zygotes of entries floating around in my brain. Part of my new year's resolution involves using this blog to brush up on my writing and analysis skills. Oh, and I am getting a spiffy new digital camera, so there will be pictures! By the way, thanks to everyone who has given me shit about not writing-- it is nice to know there's handful of people who want to read my opinions.

For now, here are some amusing "letters to Santa" from some presidential canidates I heard on NPR yesterday. Number two is my favorite.




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